Some Drops

Hang Man — A Word Game

Hang Man is a word Game. The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes below, representing each letter of the word. Words you cannot use include proper nouns such as names, places, and brands. Press a letter below that you are guessing which could occurs in the word. If the guess is correct, then the correct word is revealed in the box. If wrong, one element will be added in the Hang Man diagram below. If the diagram is completed before you guess the whole word, you will loose. So find out the word before the man get hanged.

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A Memory Game Using JavaScript

This memory game is going to activate some areas of your brain responsible for memory acquisition which therefore can help your memory improve. Enjoy it and try to finish with less clicks as you can.

How to Play

Well, even though many of you know this, I would like to say just few more words, on the board are some cards face down. On each move you can turn cards one by one. If the images are identical, they are removed from the board. The aim is to find all pairs of identical cards with the least number of flips and also within less time.

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